European networks of reference for rare diseases
European reference networks (ERNs) for rare diseases should serve as research and knowledge centres, updating and contributing to the latest scientific findings, treating patients from other Member States and ensuring the availability of subsequent treatment facilities where necessary. The definition of ERN should also reflect the need for services and expertise to be distributed across the EU.
Apply for >> ERN and grant (March-June) ERN applicants wishing to apply to become an ERN and for a grant (funding) must apply during the first period of the call (from the 16th of March 2016 to the 21st of June 2016).
Apply for >> ERN without funding (June-July) ERN applicants wishing to apply only to become an ERN and not for funding must apply during the second period of the call (from the 23rd of June 2016 to the 22nd of July 2016).